The road to Java 9: Modular Java finally gets OK’d
Modularity, a key but highly controversial feature of the upcoming Java 9 release, looks to be back on track with the Java community’s adoption of a...
How Google’s cloud is ushering in a new era of SQL databases
In 2005 when Google was a $6.1 billion business, the database(Google’s cloud) that underpinned the company’s primary cash cow – it’s AdWords online advertising platform...
NoSQL, NO problem: Why MySQL is still king?!
MySQL is a bit of an attention hog. With relational databases supposedly put on deathwatch by NoSQL,MySQL should have been edging gracefully to the exit...
Oracle recommends axing Java object finalizer
Java’s Object.finalize capability is on the chopping block, deemed more trouble than it’s worth. But expect it to stick around for a while. Deprecation has...
7 Reasons You Should Redesign Your Small Business Website in WordPress
Your website in WordPress serves as the digital storefront for your business. If it doesn’t look appealing, load quickly or even have a mobile version, customers are...
Web Services Architecture – When to Use SOAP vs REST
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representation State Transfer) are popular with developers working on system integration based projects. Software architects will design the...